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  • Reflections on Grieving a Father

    by Litsa Williams It seems hard to talk about grieving a father without first reminding you of this: before the day that your parent died, you’d never lived a single day on this planet without them. You might not have seen your parent every day or talked with them every day, but the only way you ever knew and understood this world was with them living in it. For better or worse, they were part of your reality for as...

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  • Monsters

    by James Blunt Oh, before they turn off all the lightsI won't read you your wrongs or your rightsThe time has goneI'll tell you goodnight, close the doorTell you I love you once moreThe time has goneSo here it isI'm not your son, you're not my fatherWe're just two grown men saying goodbyeNo need to forgive, no need to forgetI know your mistakes and you know mineAnd while you're sleeping I'll try to make you proudSo, daddy, won't you just...

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  • Keeping Memories Alive

    borrowed from Keeping memories alive can play an important role in relieving grief following the death of a loved one. There are unlimited ways you can honor the memory of your loved one. Watch your loved one’s favorite movie, whether by yourself or with your family and friends. Frame and display an item written by your loved one, such as a letter, poem, recipe, etc. Read his or her favorite book. Create and wear a custom jewelry piece featuring his...

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  • Grief and Oral History: Keeping Memories Alive

    by Litsa Williams Almost every time I delete a voicemail from someone I love, I have a thought that some might consider morbid: What if this person dies and I’ve just deleted my last recording of their voice? I know, a little morbid. But having worked in end of life and grief for a decade, I know all too well that people can disappear in an instant. I also know all too well the pain of missing someone’s voice, of...

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  • The Keepers of Your Flame

    by Maria Kubitz When you died, the whole world did not mourn you. You were not a celebrity, a world leader, and didn’t make the nightly news. You didn’t invent things that changed the world and will not end up in history books. But you made an indelible mark in our lives and in our hearts. You meant the world to us. You are our spouses, mothers and fathers; our grandparents, sisters and brothers. Our favorite aunts and uncles and...

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  • What Mother’s Day is Like for Grieving Moms

    By Angela Miller Earlier this week we invited you to speak your truth about Mother’s Day.  We were flooded with hundreds of responses: the raw truth about what Mother’s Day is really like for you- grieving moms.  Moms who often feel there is no place for you anymore on this day.  No place for both your love and pain, your gratitude and your sorrow; no place for you as a grieving mother- at Mother’s Day brunches, churches, gatherings and celebrations. ...

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  • Healing Milestones After The Death Of A Child

    by Maria Kubitz The death of a child is so profound, it’s like no other form of loss. There’s no such thing as getting over the death of a child. Instead, bereaved parents must learn to adapt to a life without our child. We must reconcile the reality that we’ll feel some level of pain for the rest of our lives.  This is the long, slow process of healing after the death of a child.  The intense pain in the aftermath of my...

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  • Grieving Moms & Child Loss: Feel Like You're Going Crazy?

    by  Lisa K. Boehm You are not alone, Angel Mama. After my daughter died, I thought I was losing my mind. Grief is horrible. It changes every aspect about you - physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and socially. You can hardly remember your own name most of the time. You cry non-stop or at random things, you can't sleep, your anger is off the charts, you don't act rationally. I think every one of us feels like we are going crazy.Here's...

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  • Talking About It

    by Donna Rothert   “If we knew each other’s secrets, what comforts we should find.”  John Churton Collins “You know what truly aches?  Having so much inside you and not having the slightest clue of how to pour it out.”  Karen Quan, Write Like No One is Reading   Years ago, sometime after I became an adult, but before I had experienced much in the way of loss, I had a doctor’s appointment with someone who was covering for my regular provider....

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  • Learn to help people relieve pressure and anxiety—Ten Tips for Effective Listening

    by Nancy Berns In a world upended, hurting, and fearful, the pressure is mounting.  As anxiety and tension escalate, we all need to become better listeners. The ability to listen to someone helps that person release the pressure that builds up inside. We can think about stress and anxiety as pressure that needs to escape. In various types of equipment, a relief valve is used to release the pressure that builds up over time. If the pressure is not reduced,...

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  • Pieces of My Heart

    By Zoe Rockes Years ago, I fell head over heels for an extraordinary human.  On the outside she was confident and kind, but underneath she was struggling.  She shared her broken pieces with me, and I, in turn, learned to share my own.  She made me feel invincible and not so alone in the world.  The timing was all wrong though.  As quickly as she came into my life, she was gone, leaving me drowning in hurt and confusion.  I...

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  • The Missing Piece . . . You

    by Julie Gentz The past weekend was filled with family and many wonderful new memories. My oldest stayed overnight and we cooked meals ahead for my granddaughter who is returning to college. It was also “sleep over time at grandma’s” with my 7 and 4 year old grandsons. And, while all of it added up to a lot of activity in two short days, it was an oasis of joy and a touch of normalcy in a world besieged by...

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