Comfort and Joy
Comfort and Joy By Rev John T. Schwiebert, When one of my favorite comedians, Stephen Colbert, was interviewed recently on television by Oprah Winfrey, I learned some things about Mr. Colbert that I had not known before, including his experience with a tragic loss. The youngest of 11 children, he was only 10 years old when his father and two older brothers, ages 15 and 18 were killed in the crash of a commercial airliner in... -
Change By Pat Schwiebert, My neighbor was delighted in her new life after her husband of 55 years died. I was a bit surprised. Most people don’t respond in that way. It always seemed this lovely pair were joined at the hip and enjoyed each other’s company more than anyone else’s. She didn’t like it when friends tried to tell her how hard it was going to be for her to live without her mate. She thought... -
Bits of Crazy
Bits of Crazy By Donna Rothert, PhD Grief seems at first to destroy not just all patterns, but also to destroy a belief that a pattern exists. –Julian Barnes It’s so curious: one can resist tears and ‘behave’ very well in the hardest hours of grief. But then someone makes you a friendly sign behind a window, or one notices that a flower that was in bud only yesterday has suddenly blossomed, or a letter slips from... -
Because They Are No More
Because They Are No More By Rev John T. Schwiebert, In a less than pleasant part of the story of Jesus birth and infancy we encounter the deep grief of parents whose infant boys were killed by King Herod in his frantic attempt to do away with the infant Jesus (Matthew 2:16-18). The grief of the mothers especially is recalled in a poignant verse from the book of Jeremiah that recalls an earlier bitter fruit of... -
Are You Ready?
Are You Ready? By Pat Schwiebert, Life was going along just fine. There were the usual bumps in the road that one can expect from being in life, but nothing catastrophic. Lots to keep me busy. Events to prepare for. Meals to plan. Support groups to facilitate. Grandkids to corral. Meetings to attend. Then my right hand helper and close friend Tom suddenly has major arrhythmia issues that put him in the hospital. The same week... -
And Then There Are Dragonflies
And Then There Are Dragonflies. By Jerre Peterson (Jerre’s 12-year-old daughter, Audrey died April 5, 2000, a month after being diagnosed with a brain tumor. Part of Jerre’s healing comes through putting his experiences since Audrey’s death to print.)And then there are dragonflies. Many of the wonderful signs I believe I’ve been given by Audrey are perhaps to let me know she is ok. Is heaven a place where we go where we can be anything we want? Is heaven a place where all... -
Almost a Mother
Almost a Mother Borrowed from Almost a Today I went to see my mom and her husband, and my sister and nephew. We were out shopping and we were checking out. I had asked my mom to buy something and split it and then right before she paid for her stuff, I slipped it in her pile, trying to be sneaky (this is a common joke-me trying to get her to pay for stuff for me :).... -
About Being a Man in our Culture
About Being a Man in our Culture By Pat Schwiebert, People grieve in very different ways – even two parents who grieve the death of the same child. How people grieve is affected by age, previous life experiences, personality, culture, gender, and by whatever else may be happening in their lives at the time of the loss. As a father, your experience of grief is probably going to differ from that of your partner simply because you... -
A Time to Grieve
A Time to Grieve By John T. Schwiebert, “For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven . . .A time to weep and a time to laugh; a time to mourn and a time to dance . . .” --Ecclesiastes 3:1,4 These familiar words of scripture are traditionally read in many churches that gather for worship on New Year’s Day. These words invite us to reflect about our lives as... -
A Thanksgiving Grief Activity for Kids (and grown-ups)
A Thanksgiving Grief Activity for Kids (and grown-ups) By Litsa Elizabeth The holidays are tough after a death. There are no two ways about it. They are tough for grieving adults. They are tough for grieving kids. They are especially tough for grieving adults supporting grieving kids. We have tons of ideas here for remembering deceased loved ones at the holidays. We have suggestions for creating a practical plan for coping with the holidays. We have a post on making sense... -
A Remedy for the Holidays
A Remedy for the Holidays By Rev John T. Schwiebert, The winter holidays are a difficult time for many who are grieving because of personal loss. It is hard to sing “Joy to the World” when you are experiencing deep pain and unmitigated sorrow. Phrases like “God rest ye merry gentlemen, let nothing you dismay” are sung lustily by friends and strangers who are scarcely aware of how cruel such words must sound to those who... -
A Promise
A Promise By Natalie Mitchell An expected beautiful moment, an American dream of all that the commercials and magazine ads ever promised to a woman, was stolen in the night. The promise of the expected moment was of freshness, closeness, comfort and love. Filled with precious, flowing, maternal love. The kind of promise that an entire life could be planned upon In the small sterile room the crisp air of shock was suffocating. It was an early...