Grief Facts
What You Can Do For a Person Who is Bereaved
What You Can Do For a Person Who is Bereaved
Pat Schwiebert, RN
Grief Watch
Immediate needs
- Send a card with a list of concrete things that you are able to help with
- Invitations to coffee, dinner, a walk, a visit or whatever
- Cards and letters with pictures or memories of their loved one
- Advice to accept any and all offers of help
- Information about and attending a grief Support Group (including times, place)
- A place for relatives to stay
- Transportation to/from the airport for relatives
- Assistance in planning and organizing the funeral/memorial service
- Non-perishable food items
- List making and record keeping so thank you notes can be sent
- Phone card
- Your physical presence
- Transportation to doctor’s appointments, grocery store, etc.. It is difficult to drive in the first couple of days and weeks
- Assistance with errands, shopping, housecleaning, etc.
- Childcare so they can rest without having to worry about the needs and safety of their surviving child or children
- Addressing and stamping envelopes for thank you notes
- Money (death and grief can be very expensive)
Needs down the road
- Continue to call and acknowledge the loss in the conversation
- Continue to send notes (preferably in the mail)
- Mention by name the one who died
- Remember holidays and birthdays, death days
- Sit with them at church
- Go walking with them or join an exercise group together
- Invite them out for lunch or dinner…or take dinner to them and eat at their home