Send A Copy Of Tear Soup To Your Friend

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Send a copy of Tear Soup to your Friend!


Send a gift that will outlast flowers!

Order (4) or more copies and save 25% on each copy!


Would you like to send a copy of Tear Soup to your friend? All you have to do is follow the ordering process below.


To send your friend a special gift, simply follow the order link listed below.

Your friend(s) will not receive any notice with their shipment alerting them to the cost of the gift that you have purchased for them. We will create a special Gift Packing Slip that does not include any order totals and only states the shipping address and the contents of the order.

The cost for sending Tear Soup is $19.95 ea. (plus shipping). Your gift can also include a gift-card if you choose. You will have this option at checkout.

Order A Copy For Your Friend Now!


If you need to contact us in regards to your gift, please call our office at 503-284-7426
or send us a message.

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